Sunday, February 28, 2010


last fall i started to read more books and i had heard about kindle but i wasn't sure if it was what i needed so i decided to do more research. barnes and noble's nook was already out so i compared both of them and i decided that i liked kindle the most. one of the reasons is because it has been around for a while and the bugs had been fixed while nook was brand new and people who received it had problems with it already. so i wanted to start off with a kindle and see if it is something that i would actually use. so i added it to my christmas wish list hoping that santa claus would get me one, heh.

late morning on christmas eve, we were getting ready to leave to visit my family in pa. we were in the rabbit's room (my office/hobby room where shadow and tann-tann used to stay in) and peter told me that marsay had something for me. marsay was next to the scratching post and he was sniffing at the wrapped box on the floor. peter told me that he didn't know what the cats got for me, ha ha. anyway, i picked it up and opened it. good enough it was a kindle!!! peter wanted me to open it before the drive up to pa so i could play with it but i told him that it had to be charged first so i could not use it yet. but when we came back home, i went straight to it and charged it!

i have been using it for over two months now and i LOVE it!! i can download books within a minute which is really great! picture're stuck in your house during a snowstorm and you cannot go anywhere. you really want to start a new book because you just finished one but no new one is available. that's where a kindle comes in! you can download a book and start reading it in a minute. :)

i do still like reading hardbound books and paperbacks but owning a kindle is a green thing. no tree is used at all! plus it saves a lot of room in the house since you can add up to 1,500 books on a kindle! you can even delete some books from it and they will still be in your amazon account. if you want to read one of them, you can download it again with no charge.

i just finished reading. "the da vinci code" and the hardcover is 480 pages and the paperback copy has 608 pages. that's pretty thick but kindle is very thin and it's easy to hold especially when you are lying down on the bed!

my new kindle!

i love the built-in dictionary with instant look up on it.
you just need to move the cursor to the word that you
would like to see its definition.
in the picture, the word is , "parquet" and you
can see the meaningat the bottom of the screen.
cool, huh?

the next couple pictures are kindle screensavers
that are my favorite ones. when the kindle is not in use,
the screensaver will be displayed.

this is the first book i downloaded on my kindle.
i had just finished reading, "murder in the marais" and liked it a lot!
you can compare the kindle book cover to the actual book cover below.
right now kindle doesn't have a color display but
i'm hoping that they will change it someday!

this is the 'library' on the 3rd floor in my house.
there is approximately 265 books on the shelves and you can see
that there's no room for more books!
a kindle can hold up to 1,500 books, how cool is that??

Sunday, February 21, 2010

a great cure for winter blues!

today it was sunny and in the mid-40's which was really nice and it was what i really needed!

we took my mom-in-law out to eat for brunch to celebrate her birthday. her birthday was on january 27th but with the blizzards, we had to postpone it until today. we all had a good time although i was feeling grumpy and tired. everyone noticed this and peter told his parents that i was just so tired of the winter. after we said good bye to the parents, we went to tuckahoe state park to get some fresh air.

when we arrived and went for a short walk, i was breathing in the fresh air then was smiling big! peter could tell that i was feeling much better. he said. "wow, you have turned 180 degrees!" i told him that i needed to be outside and get some vitamin d in me!! anyway, we stayed for about 20 minutes. the last time we were there, it was two summers ago and i told peter that i'd like to come back this spring because it's a really beautiful area! i didn't realize that they have a lot of short trails so we should check them out when we get a chance.

swinging, one of my favorite things to do!

do you think i can get on the tire swing?!?

pah! i made it!

i'm just being goofy! i was pretending
that i was falling down but i wasn't.

my handsome hubby!
many thanks to him for putting up with
my moody attitude lately! i love you petey!

tuckahoe lake

notice the picnic tables?
this is where we had lunch two summers ago.
i'd love to go back soon and do the same thing again!

canadian geese!

one more week of february!!!

three more weeks to the beginning of daylight saving time!

27 more days to the first day of spring, woohoo!!

another great cure for the winter blues...

will bake some chocolate chip cookies tonight. we will have them with a cold glass of milk and watch the movie, "the time traveler's wife". going to be a nice and relaxing night! :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

shakespeare & company

today i had a lunch with ken, a funny and cool dude i met two summers ago in chestertown, md. we were at the restaurant busy talking for 6 hours, yikes!! don't worry...we did eat! we talked about plenty of things. one of the things we talked about was my trip to paris and ken mentioned the bookstore that i visited. he was saying that he really enjoyed seeing the pictures of shakespeare and company that i had posted on pbase and facebook but i only added a few. i thought i'd add more here in my blog for him to see.

the store has two entrances

it's interesting that they keep the books outside...of course they have to close the cover thingy overnight and during the wet weather, i guess.

a lot of books!! gotta love the ladder!

i love this picture of the steps with red paint that is wearing off!

this is not my picture...i got it from a website.
a tiny carrel in which there is a typewriter and a chair for the use of bookstore patrons.

these pictures i took of the notes were inside in the
carrel above the typewriter.
i didn't type a note because i didn't know what to say.
the next time i go there,
i will have something prepared to type! :)

notice the open window above the door?
the next picture is what it looks like on the inside.
ahhh! only if i had plenty of time, i'd sit at
the desk and read a book!

a fire extinguisher, a great idea especially with millions of books in there, lol!
well, i guess i am exaggerating...more like thousands of books.

after checking out a couple of websites about shakespeare and company, i found this book that was written by jeremy mercer about his experience of working at this place and for george whitman, the owner of the bookstore. when i saw the book cover, i knew i had to buy it!! i just ordered it, heh. i can tell that i like the book a lot already!! :)

it could be meeko! i would have to spray paint his right hip area a little with the white paint.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

new blog site?

hi! i think i want to try blogging again. i had a blog with xanga but blogger seems to be a good site too so i'd like to try it out. i discovered the blogger site from someone that i met on xanga (i finally met her last summer in maine!!) and she has her blog that i really enjoy reading so i'd like to thank her for leading me to blogger. thanks keri! :)

i'd like to make comments about books that i am reading right now and also what i already read. i think it's a good way to share my thoughts with people who read my blog.

also, i'd like to 'brag' about what i did or will do with my petey since we love to go out and do things such as going to the beach, checking out various places and especially going on trips!

paris, france

another thing i definitely will mention is my furballs!!! meeko and marsay are my world even though they do act crazy like they are right now (running around and teasing each other, sigh...)!

meeko and marsay

well, there are plenty things to talk about so we'll see how i will do! thanks for reading!! :)